Delegation is an Art! Point finale.

In this rapidly changing world where change itself has changed, we need more people to be part of the system to provide evolutionary, disruptive and open innovation! Internet connections, data storage, mobile devices, genome sequencing, everything today is growing at an exponential rate where organizations need to be more adaptive, and change as fast as change […]

How to grow performing teams?

During our most recent “Leadership Retreat” we explored the difficulties to grow performing teams, teams where people gell with each other and achieve unseen results. We had 2 teams that competed in a simulation that started from a group of people that have to work together but do not know each other at all, towards […]

Aaarrrgggg, those ******* meetings!

You need meetings! You want them to generate ideas, inspire action and flow but in their essence meetings are paradoxical!  In many cases we see, hear and feel that within organizations meetings do not deliver to their expectations. Participants come ill prepared, disengage and hardly follow-up. At best, you have a love-hate relationship with meetings. You […]

Free Retreats, our way to serve you and grow competence.

As passionate people at work, we are constantly on stage and we never take enough time to practise. Our retreats are meant for practise and sharing experiences on a regular base in order to shrink the gap between where the level of our skills are and where we want it to be. There is no […]

Johan Tré is writing: “human effective learning”

Quite a few years ago I came in touch with Jurgen De Smet. It appeared that we had similar opinions on how our corporate world is setup. Coming from a technical background as well I noticed the same visions were shaped from a similar background and learning curve. It was until later on I found out what Co-Learning was […]

Why attend a licensed Management 3.0 training?

Ever since I have been guiding teams and organizations towards a more effective business environment to work in, I have been searching for guidelines and practices to support “managers” in their quest to steer their teams successfully. It has been a very interesting journey so far, a great learning school! My quest to be able to support […]