A sharing economy business idea for you
Too many ideas, not enough time! A sentence many of us know, many of us feel, and many of us are sometimes frustrated about. One of those fine ideas I had when going through a Gamification track was related to what is known as collaborative consumption or a sharing economy. At the time I explored […]
The Intersection of Business, Education and Innovation
As the blog has mentioned at various points, different innovations and startups have different metrics for success. This makes a formulaic approach to entrepreneurship all but impossible, though there are certain trends that crop up from time to time. Writer Emma Collins explores one such trend today as she discusses the present and future viability […]
Entrepreneurs Design Their Metrics for Success
Something we do together with our partner for the Belgian startup and entrepreneurial community is what we call the “Startup Coaching Retreats” and is based on similar principles as all the above but focused on the needs of entrepreneurs with a startup company. – see report of our first run ‘here‘ – Participation for the ones […]