It is good to have satisfied customers, especially the ones that are willing to take a leap of faith helping to build up your renewed business! As we founded Co-Learning to continue our efforts previously known with a different commercial name we asked a couple of our more recent customers if they were willing to provide us with a recommendation for our website in order to help us grow our new business. As we did not asked any of our customers before we had no idea how they would react upon this request and are happily surprised about the reaction we got so far (just a couple of days). We are happy not only because it helps us, but mostly because it shows us that we really have satisfied customers and that is why we keep going. This feedback is what fuels our motivation to do even more (see extended Scrum offerings).
Here a snapshot of what we got so far as recommendations:
“As a provider of expert services in the area of embedded software, TASS Technology Solutions employs over 200 highly educated engineers. Providing the high-quality training that all these hungry brains desire is truly a challenge. Fortunately, sometimes you get in contact with a partner who anticipates your needs and delivers exactly what you expected or more. This was the case with Jürgen and Erik of Co-Learning, who did a series of training sessions on Agile and Scrum that really impressed every participant. Exciting, dynamic, hands-on and based on heaps of real-life expertise… Perfect!” Luc Braems Resource Manager @ TASS —
“The iStart Coaching Retreat offers value to our startups especially because it addresses their current needs and operational challenges. The coaches from co-learning do an excellent job by asking the right questions, sharing their expertise and animating the discussion” Jan Coppens IBBT Incubation & Venturing —
“Erik en Jurgen introduceren allerlei skills en technieken die ervoor zorgen dat we productiever en meer gefocust kunnen werken. Hun workshops zijn een grote bron van inspiratie en we komen steeds gemotiveerd en vol nieuwe energie buiten!” “Erik and Jurgen provided us a backpack of skills and techniques that keep us focussed and more productive. Their workshops are a source of inspiration and we always leave them full of new energy and motivation.” Jolien Coenraets Owner G-Flux (startup) —
The retreats hosted by Jurgen and Eric are the perfect occasion to exercise in a fail safe environment and to share experience around innovation, creativity, Agile and problems with some of the currently applied methods in management in general and software delivery. I’ve attended two GameStorming retreats and what I learned and practiced there has been successfully applied at our RealDolmen ALM team meetings. This was direct result from their effort. I’ve also attended the Management 3.0 training by Jurgen and his experience during his career really adds value to the course content. A must follow for everyone in Knowledge work. Brett Verlinden Agile Solution Manager / Project manager / Business analyst RealDolmen —
Thank you dear customers for helping out! Very much appreciated. Erik & Jurgen