Guestblog by Lesley Vanleke,
Continuous globalization, technological developments and sustainability issues have also impacted the traditional relationship between employers and employees. The way these two parties reach agreements is profoundly changing. In the traditional psychological contract, employees receive job security and they confide in the long term commitment to their company to take care of them financially. In return, employees are loyal and they punctually execute the tasks they are given. Employees stay in the same organisation during their entire careers and leave the company with the cliché gold watch as a going away present.
Today, companies look for ways to make labor more flexible. Also, employees are asked to continuously develop new knowledge and skills. Employees, on the other hand, realize they have to be employable, even outside of their current organization. They see the need to develop themselves broadly. Also, employees seek balance.
The current course of a career has become something like this: late entry on the labor market because of the availability of higher education, steep careers in terms of increasing responsibilities, stress and equally steep in terms of pay, early retirement, because either the employee cannot stand the strain any longer or the company finds the employee too expensive. Hence, big strain on the social security systems which society cannot support any longer. We need to look for new careermodels that allow people to take things slower when they feel the need to and stay active over a longer period of time. Finally, people are looking for a sense of meaning in their jobs. We can safely say that careers and careermanagement are changing within organisations. People will become their own career architect en that will urge them to develop new skills. The Protean Career Architect is born! In a protean career, the employee reinvents him/herself continuously and adapts easily to new environments.
Proteus is a Greek mythological figure and son of Poseidon. He possessed the gift of telling fortune, but he did not like to do so. Whomever wanted to make him foretell the future had to hold him down long enough until Proteus would wearily agree to do what was asked of him. Only, Proteus could take on any form he wished during the wrestlingmatch… In our workshop, you will discover and experience what is takes to become a…
“Protean Career Architect”.
Join us! When? 8 Maart 2013 Where? Ter Elst, Edegem (Antwerp, BE) How Much? 225€