Welcome to the Social Innogram: The Future of Education

Guestblog by Mark Willems, kbs-frb.be/ Expose – Ask – Shoot – Expose We all went to school. We all rely on education for our own kids and our future social capital. In that way we are all education experts. The social innogram is a playful way of ‘imagineering‘ future education through the eyes & perceptions of many others. […]

Become a Protean Career Architect

Guestblog by Lesley Vanleke, debaak.be Continuous globalization, technological developments and sustainability issues have also impacted the traditional relationship between employers and employees. The way these two parties reach agreements is profoundly changing. In the traditional psychological contract, employees receive job security and they confide in the long term commitment to their company to take care […]

Intera(ttra)ctive Presentations

Guestblog by Jasper Sonnevelt, VX Company If keeping someone’s attention in a lecture was business, it would have an 80% failure rate.” – dr. John Medina Whether you’re a seasoned presenter/trainer or just every now and than presenting something to your colleagues, you will know that one of the hardest things about giving a presentation […]

How to grow performing teams?

During our most recent “Leadership Retreat” we explored the difficulties to grow performing teams, teams where people gell with each other and achieve unseen results. We had 2 teams that competed in a simulation that started from a group of people that have to work together but do not know each other at all, towards […]