Proofing the benefits of Gamification

A while ago, I was contacted by Andrew Hunt, who shared his work detailing the benefits of Gamification proofing through 3 organizations that used such methods to boost their brand and business. The metrics within his infographic do not need any explanation and I’m happy that we can share them through our blog. Lots of […]

Budget Games Aalbeke – Resultaten deel 1

Tot onze spijt moeten wij meedelen dat we de volledige resultaten van de Budget Games Aalbeke, 20 Juni 2013, nog niet kunnen meedelen. De Kortrijkse verlofperiode speelt ons parten en pas na het zomerverlof zullen de resultaten aan de Aalbeekse burgers meegedeeld worden, gevolgd door een persvoorstelling. Dit zal dan ook samengaan met de vervolgstappen […]

20 Juni: “Budget Games Kortrijk – Aalbeke”. Waar gaat het over?

We hebben al enkele Engels talige artikels neergepend rond de Budget Games te Kortrijk – Aalbeke en op aanvraag van enkele mensen geven we jullie ook graag verdere informatie in het Nederlands. Budget Games historiek Weinigen onder ons zijn vertrouwd met “Budget Games” zoals het is ontworpen door Luke Hohmann (founder Innovation Games®) voor burger […]

Prioritize with your stakeholders – Innovation Games® Buy a Feature

Back in the old days, I took up the role of a Agile Product Owner within a Healthcare environment and soon discovered that “responsible for setting priorities”, as it is announced in Agile literature, does not mean that doing it by yourself is the right approach. Not surprisingly, we see and hear about similar settings […]

Benefits of playing games at work.

Why play games at work? We get this question a lot of times when we guide entrepreneurs, small and large enterprise organizations. Or a plain remark: “Pfff, playing games?! That’s not work!”. So what is the answer? Why would we like to use games to do serious work? We encounter a lot of organizations that struggle […]

Budget Games Kortrijk Ready, Set, Go…

In April we were happy to announce that we were supporting the City of Kortrijk to organize their own version of the Innovation Games ® – Budget Games and in the mean time lots of work has been done by City council members to prepare for this European scoop. If you do not know anything […]

The Product Owner Iteration – limit your WIP

As the teams are having 2 week iterations to build solutions to problems, the Product Owner has 2 week iterations as well to produce just enough new detailed input for his/her team as the team can handle within a single iteration. The rest is all about communication, collaboration and transparency towards the results and planning […]

Innovation Games ® – Budget Games is coming to Belgium, Kortrijk!

Some of you might be familiar with the concept of  “Budget Games”, from its success in San Jose. Some of you might not be, and in that case I would recommend checking out the video below in order to get some context about the subject at hand. [youtube=] Motivation As an Innovation Games ® and Gamestorming […]

Internal Marketing is a Key Leadership Practice

The hardest part of an organization, and therefore its management, is sharing the enthusiasm with the entire organization, especially when most of the people in there are making one-tenth to one-fiftieth of what top managers make. Selling the company to their customers, or within their market segment, is a piece of cake compared to selling […]

Rapid Software Testing – skilled testing unleashed

The software testing profession looks like a steadily maturing profession from the outside. After all, there are certification schemes like ISTQB, CAT, IREB and QAMP (the one to rule them all), standards (ISO 29119) and companies reaching TMM (test maturity model) levels that – just like a Spinal Tap guitar amplifier – one day might even go up to 11. The […]