Customers benefit from delighting suppliers!
In september 2012 Jurgen Appelo wrote about delighting your supplier in relation to delighting your customer(s) and that in business you should delight everyone! We very much agree to most of the statements made in both articles and comply to its core message as much as possible, we like to engage into non-zero-sum quests as […]
How to grow performing teams?
During our most recent “Leadership Retreat” we explored the difficulties to grow performing teams, teams where people gell with each other and achieve unseen results. We had 2 teams that competed in a simulation that started from a group of people that have to work together but do not know each other at all, towards […]
Entrepreneurs Design Their Metrics for Success
Something we do together with our partner for the Belgian startup and entrepreneurial community is what we call the “Startup Coaching Retreats” and is based on similar principles as all the above but focused on the needs of entrepreneurs with a startup company. – see report of our first run ‘here‘ – Participation for the ones […]
Gamestorming Retreat grows facilitation skills
Today’s gamestorming retreat session took us through the facilitation of 6 different games which were played several times. Each time we took into account the learning from the previous session into a new experiment and as such grew our collaborative facilitation skills tremendously. Conclusion of the day: it is not all about the game, the right facilitation […]
Free Retreats, our way to serve you and grow competence.
As passionate people at work, we are constantly on stage and we never take enough time to practise. Our retreats are meant for practise and sharing experiences on a regular base in order to shrink the gap between where the level of our skills are and where we want it to be. There is no […]
iStart Coaching Retreat Kick-Off
June 29th was the day of a new beginning for the iStart mentoring track that was setup between IBBT, Erik Talboom & myself (Jurgen De Smet). About the iStart Coaching Retreat We believe that, next to financial guidance, it is equally important to explore various systems, models, techniques, practices and experiences on how to go […]
Kanban retreat #1 experience report
On April 7th we had our first kanban retreat as a means of peer to peer exchange, having a safe place to bounce ideas amongst each other and learn. In order to get the people into the kanban state of mind, we started off with the famous getKanban board game (the beta version we bought some time ago) followed with an imaginary, yet […]