Creating clarity within a group – Ruben Van Der Laan
The discussion heated up. I simply asked all participants, a management team, to take a stance by physically putting on a scale a coloured dot. For this growing organisation I was curious to know what the management wanted: more systemisation of processes on the one hand or more self-organisation and responsibilities on a lower level. […]
49 Ways to Spice Up Your Meetings by Ruben Van Der Laan
Henry Ford would have loved producing our current day meetings the way he produced his cars. His famous ‘any colour – so long as it’s black’ would have marvelously fit the numerous meetings that are being churned out worldwide. A meeting room is a meeting room and a meeting is a meeting. All black, all […]
Gamestorming Retreat grows facilitation skills
Today’s gamestorming retreat session took us through the facilitation of 6 different games which were played several times. Each time we took into account the learning from the previous session into a new experiment and as such grew our collaborative facilitation skills tremendously. Conclusion of the day: it is not all about the game, the right facilitation […]
Free Retreats, our way to serve you and grow competence.
As passionate people at work, we are constantly on stage and we never take enough time to practise. Our retreats are meant for practise and sharing experiences on a regular base in order to shrink the gap between where the level of our skills are and where we want it to be. There is no […]