Budget Games –In Kortrijk nemen 150 kinderen dé beslissing over 30.000€!
Wij kunnen jullie met enige trots meedelen dat onze Innovation Games® training, oefensessies en eerdere Budget Games® voor de Kortrijkse deelgemeentes Aalbeke en Heule zijn vruchten afwerpt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnzA1qINjk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn0Mztc53XQ Tijdens de eerste Budget Games sessie voor Aalbeke had Co-Learning de leiding op zich genomen alsook de volledige productie, facilitatie en nazorg waarna Stad Kortrijk overtuigd […]
Collaborative workshops from the beach
Or distributed workshops from different locations… Your seat is waiting next to mine… During my career I had to facilitate a lot of Agile retrospectives and other collaborative workshops with people sitting in different offices, countries, continents,… and as such had a huge interest in the first Belgian conference on “remote working”. I was looking […]
49 Ways to Spice Up Your Meetings by Ruben Van Der Laan
Henry Ford would have loved producing our current day meetings the way he produced his cars. His famous ‘any colour – so long as it’s black’ would have marvelously fit the numerous meetings that are being churned out worldwide. A meeting room is a meeting room and a meeting is a meeting. All black, all […]
Help! When do you want to learn?
Within our quest to change the world of work, we are always looking for better ways to support our community members and we are wondering when you prefer to attend a paid workshop. With “paid workshop” we refer to our “In the Brain Of” sessions as well as one-day classroom trainings like our Personal Kanban & Gamestorming […]