Budget Games –In Kortrijk nemen 150 kinderen dé beslissing over 30.000€!
Wij kunnen jullie met enige trots meedelen dat onze Innovation Games® training, oefensessies en eerdere Budget Games® voor de Kortrijkse deelgemeentes Aalbeke en Heule zijn vruchten afwerpt! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRnzA1qINjk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn0Mztc53XQ Tijdens de eerste Budget Games sessie voor Aalbeke had Co-Learning de leiding op zich genomen alsook de volledige productie, facilitatie en nazorg waarna Stad Kortrijk overtuigd […]
Collaborative workshops from the beach
Or distributed workshops from different locations… Your seat is waiting next to mine… During my career I had to facilitate a lot of Agile retrospectives and other collaborative workshops with people sitting in different offices, countries, continents,… and as such had a huge interest in the first Belgian conference on “remote working”. I was looking […]
What Are Effective Job Interview Techniques?
In this article I want to go a bit deeper into the subject of taking job interviews in order to find the right person for the job. How it is done in some companies today. How others make it their business and how you could avoid loosing time and money within the process by doing […]
10 amazing ways to use a product box at work!
Last week was my first Certified Innovation Games for Customer Understanding training out of many to come and what struck me the most from the 2 very interactive and fun days is the broad employability of the games. I was aware of a lot of different uses of the games and used them myself in […]
I language versus responsible behavior
We have done so many things, we have explained so many things, and yet we still need to learn so many things! Even small learnings can contribute to a better and more satisfying life. Exactly what I recently experienced. While creating a customized training for one of our clients I noticed the importance to mention […]
A sharing economy business idea for you
Too many ideas, not enough time! A sentence many of us know, many of us feel, and many of us are sometimes frustrated about. One of those fine ideas I had when going through a Gamification track was related to what is known as collaborative consumption or a sharing economy. At the time I explored […]
Proofing the benefits of Gamification
A while ago, I was contacted by Andrew Hunt, who shared his work detailing the benefits of Gamification proofing through 3 organizations that used such methods to boost their brand and business. The metrics within his infographic do not need any explanation and I’m happy that we can share them through our blog. Lots of […]
Budget Games Aalbeke – Resultaten deel 1
Tot onze spijt moeten wij meedelen dat we de volledige resultaten van de Budget Games Aalbeke, 20 Juni 2013, nog niet kunnen meedelen. De Kortrijkse verlofperiode speelt ons parten en pas na het zomerverlof zullen de resultaten aan de Aalbeekse burgers meegedeeld worden, gevolgd door een persvoorstelling. Dit zal dan ook samengaan met de vervolgstappen […]
20 Juni: “Budget Games Kortrijk – Aalbeke”. Waar gaat het over?
We hebben al enkele Engels talige artikels neergepend rond de Budget Games te Kortrijk – Aalbeke en op aanvraag van enkele mensen geven we jullie ook graag verdere informatie in het Nederlands. Budget Games historiek Weinigen onder ons zijn vertrouwd met “Budget Games” zoals het is ontworpen door Luke Hohmann (founder Innovation Games®) voor burger […]
Prioritize with your stakeholders – Innovation Games® Buy a Feature
Back in the old days, I took up the role of a Agile Product Owner within a Healthcare environment and soon discovered that “responsible for setting priorities”, as it is announced in Agile literature, does not mean that doing it by yourself is the right approach. Not surprisingly, we see and hear about similar settings […]